A Chromczak CPA
There are many considerations in choosing a tax preparer. Foremost are Competence, Experience, and Customer Friendly Attitude.
I have been in practice for more than 30 years so you can be assured that I have the knowledge to take all the deductions and tax credits you are legally allowed.
I now offer virtual tax preparation via a secure online portal you don’t need to schedule an appointment saving time, keeping safe and getting your taxes prepared quickly. This option has been very well received by my clients as being easy to use while maintaining security of confidential information.
Experience Matters: You get a CPA with over 30 years of experience assisting Individuals, sole proprietors, LLC’s corporations, and partnerships with:
- Personal Tax preparation
- Business Tax and Tax Planning
Customer Friendly and convenient service:
- Fax or upload your tax documents to my secure web portal no appointment needed.
- Appointments can be held at your residence or place of business.
- Tax returns expertly prepared and electronicalIy filed.
Fair and Reasonable Fees:
- All Returns are prepared with an eye toward paying the least tax legally required.
- No surprises, You determine the level of service you would like us to provide at a cost you know ahead of time.
Prompt service-all year long:
- We are available to assist you with any tax question during the year. Most often it will be no charge.
When choosing a tax preparer here are some Red Flags to be watchful of:
- Tax Preparer guarantees you a refund upfront.
- Charges a fee based on the size of your refund.
- Does not disclose the terms of the engagement and any fees they earn for services such as refund anticipation Loans, Audit Insurance, or setting up Directed IRA accounts.
- Doesn’t ask for your background information such as W-2, Wage statements. birthdates, driver license or supporting info.
- Offers to create false or exaggerated deductions.
- Asks you to sign a blank tax form.
- Refuses to give you a copy of your tax forms or return your tax documents.
- Cannot provide client references/ does not have positive reviews